In the bustling classroom of Mr. Sutton, a unique and practical lesson unfolds, engaging students in the complex world of budgeting, career decisions, and financial literacy. On November 21, 2024, Sutton’s classroom transformed into a real-life simulation where students learned the art of financial decision-making through an interactive "Bean Game."
The Essence of the Bean Game
Utilizing bean maps and a finite number of beans to represent money, students were grouped into teams, each tasked with allocating their "income" to various needs and desires, simulating a family budget. This game, tailored for understanding the weight of financial choices, presented the harsh realities of economic constraints and the importance of prioritizing spending based on a limited budget.
Dynamic Learning through Adjustments
As part of the exercise, students faced several adjustments to mimic real-life financial challenges:
Inflation Adjustment: A slight reduction in beans forced students to rethink their spending priorities.
Job Loss Scenario: A significant decrease in beans simulated the impact of losing a job, urging students to cut costs drastically.
Side Business Success: An increase in beans allowed students to experience the benefits of additional income streams.
Investment Dividends: Additional beans rewarded students, simulating successful investments.
Part-time Job Recovery: Further beans added back to the budget demonstrated the value of adaptable earning strategies.
Insights and Reflections
Post-game, the classroom buzzed with discussions on spending habits, opportunity costs, and personal values in money management. Students noted surprises in the costs of certain categories and reflected on how personal experiences influence financial decisions. This activity not only highlighted the fundamentals of budgeting but also underscored the impact of external economic factors on personal finance.
Evaluation and Takeaways
The lesson culminated in a reflective assessment where students articulated prior knowledge, new insights gained, and the top lessons from the activity, such as the importance of savings, the necessity of multiple income streams, and proactive financial planning. One of the first statements from a student was, "I do not have enough beans."
Sutton’s innovative approach to financial education through the Bean Game offers students a profound understanding of budgeting and the economic forces at play in everyday life. By turning abstract financial concepts into tangible experiences, she prepares her students for informed and competent financial decision-making in their future.
Link: Bean Game Map